Asset Bank

Keep your Asset Bank assets synchronized with *Welcome* for a single source of truth in your enterprise DAM.

About Asset Bank

Creating a single source of truth for digital assets shouldn't be hard!

From its CDN to its powerful workflow and customization options, we recognize Asset Bank as one of the premier global providers of DAM solutions to customers across the globe. That's why we are honored to share customers in common with Asset Bank and why we've built an enterprise integration that is as flexible as it is powerful. Like our other DAM integrations, Asset Bank and Welcome is grounded in the following critical success factors including:

  • the ability to 'trust' version control

  • real-time access to the latest versions of the latest documents with the most up-to-date metadata

  • a unified, global taxonomy

Why Marketers 💜 Welcome's Integration with Asset Bank

With Welcome's integration with Asset Bank, you can rest assured that your creative assets and approved marketing collateral are made available to your enterprise Asset Bank users. Users in Welcome can confidently publish assets to Asset Bank and know the metadata and taxonomy they have worked to establish in Welcome will follow the asset to Asset Bank, unifying your enterprise with a single source of truth.

Users in Asset Bank can confidently access existing documents, upload new digital assets, and version available documents as needed making them instantly available to the team in Welcome creating an ecosystem in which your users can leverage their tool of choice to get work done. Your Asset Bank users will never know that Welcome has helped orchestrate folders and tags for easy access to your filtered experiences in Asset Bank. And, Welcome users will never know that a new version of an uploaded image is instantly available in a Welcome folder. Transparency and trust, two critical success factors in any partnership.

Asset Bank features

Features - How does it work?

  • Ability to sync folders and folder locations

  • Ability to add and remove assets from either Welcome or Asset Bank

  • Ability to modify content and upload new versions of content in either Welcome or Asset Bank


  • Enterprise teams have instant access to the latest docs, images, videos in their curated Asset Bank filters

  • Marketers have seamless access to make the right assets available to other teams at the right time

  • Unified/shared taxonomy between Marketing and the rest of the organization creates harmony between messaging and asset usage in downstream processes

  • Overall efficiency, collaboration, and faster time to delivery of marketing products and customer collateral

Asset Bank pricing

How do I get it?

Welcome is pleased to offer this integration through our integration technology partner, Please contact us for more information on how we can get you connected today!

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Learn how Welcome's marketing calendar gives teams a single source-of-truth to visualize global marketing activity.

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